by Sam Schlimpert

Recent trends in popular culture have shifted over the course of several decades towards a more secular society. A largely leftist movement, secularism emphasizes on the radical acceptance of all cultures and beliefs. While seemingly innocent in nature, the most recent decade has proven malicious behaviors in secular activists. This malice reveals itself predominantly around Christmas time at the expense of the Christian majority in the United States. Countless assaults, albeit petty in nature, have been mounted against the Christian population under the guise of innocence and the preservation of diversity. The plague that is secularism is in the process of snuffing out the most glorious culture to have existed in recorded history.
The monstrosity that is the left and their secularism is driven forward by the Millennials, the gears of the machine that seeks to root out and destroy classic American culture; and any trace of conservatism, for that matter. Millennials make up the generation born from 1980-2000, according to Goldman Sachs. Embodying diversity and cultural acceptance, this generation opposes war and is comfortable with gay marriage, immigration, and the refusal of biology in relation to gender. Most of all, this generation is the least religious. In fact, as the evidence suggests, they see religion as an affront to their way of life. Millennials have adopted a militant attitude in their secular pursuits, claiming that religion, Christianity in particular, is a method of “subjective preference.” In order to promote their agenda, they have sought out the celebration of any holiday aside from Christmas.
The insurgence of self congratulatory leftist bloggers and writers, whom I will insightfully dub as Keyboard Warriors, has grown the shift away from God in contemporary America. Keyboard Warriors such as Christopher Hitchens made it popular to incite hatred against Christian traditions such as Christmas. Christmas has specifically been affronted by the Miami New
Times. The news site posted a list of “Anti-Christmas” themed music for those who need to “cope” with the holiday. The list included “It's Beginning to Look Like Syphilis” and, put simply, “I Hate Christmas.” The mere need to cope with this age old tradition proves the shift away from the glorious holiday and the malicious attitude involved.
In reality, Christmas is not a secular holiday. It is a classic tradition that millions of Christians hold close to their hearts. It is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. There is no Christmas
without the recognition of Christ; it’s the reason for the season.There’s no changing that or spinning it in a way that will appease everyone.
Differences and diversity are a part of life. In that respect, I agree with the Millennials. But the suppression of an entire group in order to promote the desires of another group is a worse
injustice than any amount of subjection. Truly great and diverse people learn to be truly accepting and allowing those with different beliefs to practice those beliefs in peace. This is something Millennials will have to work on, as they selectively accept cultures that support their ulterior motives.
In short, the subjugation of Christmas is more than a shift from religion and towards secularism. It is merely a small but vital element of their campaign against anything they see as a threat to
their ultra diverse, heathenistic culture.