by Chloe VanOverberghe

From coast to coast, one small topic has been on everyone’s mind and in their ears: AirPods. They are the new thing not only for teens but even for adults.
Apple AirPods became more popular late 2018 sparking the attention of many teens and adults. Apple has run out of AirPods three times and now many people are on a waiting on a list to get their very own pair. Just this past Christmas, Apple has sold over 50,000 pairs of AirPods nationwide.
AirPods have become the most popular earphones topping Beats and many other products. Many NP students who own Apple AirPods say they are better than normal wired headphones. But the question is, what makes them better? There have been many opinions on the AirPods, such as why do they cost so much and why do people find them so much better than normal headphones?
AirPods have also sparked many concerns. In Florida, a middle-aged man was working out while using Apple AirPods and out of no where they blew up in his ears, cited from Buzzfeed. After that, the man was rushed to the hospital and suffered from partial hearing loss in his right ear. Since then, many parents have become concerned and have not bought them because of the worries about them possibly blowing up.
Also, a big concern from parents is how expensive they are and that they are very easy to lose because of how small the case and the headphones are. On twitter, many kids have made complaints about losing their case or losing a headphone. Now if you go to eBay you can just buy a single AirPod, left or right, and you can even just buy the case. So here is the question: will you buy Apple Airpods?