By Anna Witters

Nicole Chase has started American Sign Language (ASL) Club at New Prairie.
According to, “American Sign Language (ASL) is a language that uses physical means of communication, such as body language and lip patterns, instead of oral sound in order to communicate.”
Most researchers believe ASL originated from French Sign Language in 1817. According to Brittanica Online, “ASL is a full language, with all of the properties of spoken natural languages, but one that has developed independently of and differently from English.”
Chase started the club at New Prairie because a student felt it would be a good addition here. Chase already knew sign language, so she was chosen to sponsor the club.
Chase has always been interested in different languages and she studied French, Spanish, and ASL in college.
Chase believes it’s important to bring awareness of ASL to students.
“I think a lot of people don’t realize that it is truly it’s own language, and it’s an interesting way to communicate with people in our own culture,” said Chase.
She believes American Sign Language affects our world because it’s important to be able to communicate with the people around us.
American Sign Language changed so many lives, and it can be very beneficial to open up to a new language. ASL club meets Thursdays after school in Chase’s room.