by Gabey Vogeler

Senior Cheer Captains Bailey Cummings and Meghann Chlebowski will walk and cheer in the Varsity Spirit Spectacular Parade hosted by Varsity Spirit at Disney World in Florida. This event is only for Varsity Captains, Co-Captains and officers that are selected through auditions.
“We will have a series of practices of a dance we had to prepare individually and walk in the parade in the following days.” Cummings explains.
“The auditions were pretty basic.” Cummings said, “All we had to do was learn a dance, a cheer, and do some jumps.”
What made the audition different was that Cummings competed against fellow teammates which was a unique experience for her.
“I'm expecting to meet a lot of new people and maybe make connections with other cheerleaders from other areas, along with having a great experience.” Cummings exclaimed.