by Ethan Dowling

Last months release of “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” has divided a fanbase, which at the time, had been at each other’s throats.
The 8th movie in the Skywalker saga, the film split the fans between haters of “The Last Jedi” and lovers of “The Last Jedi.” Not everyone was satisfied with the film, and some people went as far as to remove it from the official timeline.
Personally, I thought it was an amazing film, but it had flaws. But those flaws made it better as a viewer. It also strayed from the typical formula of “Star Wars” films. That’s the main argument: it strayed away from formula. 2016’s Rogue One did it amazingly, but why hasn’t “The Last Jedi” done that?
It didn’t have a “Star Wars Feel.”
“The Last Jedi” screwed up Luke Skywalker’s character archetype.
It wasn’t good enough for them.
Those are just three reasons why it wasn’t well received with some fans, all because it didn’t hold up to their theories and supposed script leaks. It was said in the 2nd trailer for the movie,“This is not going to go the way you think.”
Yet, Rogue One did the formula differently because it’s not a part of the main saga. It’s crucial to the original trilogy, but overall it has no bearing on the original characters. That’s what people say about “The Last Jedi”; it screwed up characters a lot, with Leia being able to use the Force and Luke running away like a coward. To counter that, I said it has been 30 years since we had last seen these characters on screen. So, things would change. They definitely did.
The other argument is that it didn’t have a good story. Yes, it has flaws, but so what? It’s a movie. If you enjoyed it, enjoy it. If you hated it, hate it. But please don’t fight over it. Let people enjoy what they want to enjoy. It’s almost like a small flame war in the comments of a YouTube video. Someone says something, and someone else has to disagree with them and not be civil about it.
"Personally, I thought it was an amazing film, but it had flaws. But those flaws made it better as a viewer."
The final argument is that not everyone’s theory was correct. Not everything can be predictable. The movie did have some things that I guessed would happen, such as a death or a plot line, but it didn’t bother me that my own personal Supreme Leader Snoke theory was incorrect. For others ,however, they were angry that it wasn’t predictable and that’s honestly stupid. They went as far as wanting to remove it from the official chronological time and have it remade. That’s where the line was drawn and crossed.
It’s true that “The Last Jedi” divided the fans, but there’s still a spark of hope that the upcoming film “Solo: a Star Wars story” could reunite the fanbase and bring an end to the arguments and fighting. The final argument is that not everyone’s theory was correct. Not everything can be predictable. The movie did have some things that I guessed would happen, such as a death or a plot line, but it didn’t bother me that my own personal Supreme Leader Snoke theory was incorrect. For others ,however, they were angry that it wasn’t predictable and that’s honestly stupid. They went as far as wanting to remove it from the official chronological time and have it remade. That’s where the line was drawn and crossed.
It’s true that “The Last Jedi” divided the fans, but there’s still a spark of hope that the upcoming film “Solo: a Star Wars story” could reunite the fanbase and bring an end to the arguments and fighting.