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NPHS Construction Updates

Writer: cougarchroniclecougarchronicle

by Sophie Bull

Construction workers preparing to remove lockers.

Construction workers removing lockers.

Old social studies room, being prepped for renovation.

Construction workers finishing up on the removal of the first set of lockers.

Workers are busy constructing a smaller courtyard and bigger hallway.

The new courtyard is under way, at New Prairie.

Preparing new windows used to look out onto the courtyard.

The old shop class is transforming into a storage area for custodians.

A different angle of the new custodian storage unit.

A new update on the location of in-school suspension.

Mr. Sorg’s newly modeled class room.

Part of the lunch room ceiling that workers have yet to refurbish.

A now finished classroom ready for students.

Old custodian lounge awaiting renovations.

The new ceilings in the cafeteria are leak free.

Be sure to bundle up walking down this corridor. Construction workers have yet to finish installing the ceiling.


The Cougar Chronicle is an official publication of New Prairie High School. The Cougar Chronicle is dedicated to providing the staff and student body with a medium that delivers the news surrounding New Prairie High School in a timely manner.

The Cougar Chronicle Staff will accept any letter to the editor or student work. We reserve the right to edit unacceptable content or ask the writer to assist in the editing process. All student work may be delivered to room S66 or given to any member of the staff or emailed to

The opinions expressed in the Cougar Chronicle are the views of the writers who wrote them and are not reflective of New Prairie High School, New Prairie United School Corporation or the Cougar Chronicle staff.

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