by Shayla Harris

Many fashion magazines, from Vogue to Cosmopolitan, released spring trends which are a guarantee to pop up this year. Many of these trends include animal prints, zodiac printed suits, sweaters with alternating color stripes, black and white checkerboard clothing, lavender-colored clothing items, and a variety of others. Some spring styles were also exposed on celebrities’ Instagrams.
Zendaya released three pictures of her in the new Tommy Hilfiger clothing line, which is stated to make a huge appearance in the spring trends. The pictures included Zendaya in an all zodiac sign printed silk suit, a high waisted skirt with an oversized belt, and plaid trousers that are slightly flared at the bottom.
There are many other spring trends which are expected to become popular this year from different styled prints, like animal print, polka dots, solid colored, all white outfits, and pastel color.
An article on Seventeen introduced a new spring trend: all white outfits. A picture that showed Ariana Grande walking in an all white outfit sure made a statement for this spring.
With all the spring trends floating around the air, it’s going to be interesting to see what the students of New Prairie think of these trends.
Zodiac sign printed suits weren’t favored by the students at New Prairie. A whopping 85.7 percent of the students weren’t likely to wear zodiac printed suits, while the other 14.3 percent were.
Only 45.6 percent of students would wear high waisted skirts with oversized belts, and the other 54.4 percent wouldn’t.
About half of the students thought about adding knit sweaters with alternating stripes to their closets, while the other half didn’t think that this trend is worth adding to their wardrobe.
When the idea of all white outfits came into the fashion world, 65.1 percent of the students decided that it wasn’t worthy to show off to the public, while the other 34.9 percent decided that they would try it.
Only 44.9 percent of students decided that leather was one trend they would personally try out, and the other 55.1 percent decided that they would pass on leather.
The majority of the students decided that animal print can stay in the past, while only about a third decided this trend was worth bringing back into spring of 2019.
Lavender will always be making an appearance in people’s outfits, so 70.6 percent of people who enjoy wearing lavender stated that they would be wearing that color in this upcoming spring season. However, the other 29.4 percent would not be wearing that color anytime soon.
Fanny packs have been around since the 80s, but now many consider them old fashioned. Fifty percent of the students decided that fanny packs are worth another shot and are considering wearing them this summer. The other 50 percent decided that fanny packs should never come back into style and should of stayed in the 80s.
Khaki pants are a go-to style for many, but 56.3 percent of the students believed that khaki pants weren’t worth wearing for spring. The other 43.7 percent prefer to wear khaki pants during the springtime.
Spring trends had the fashion world flipped upside down when the newest spring trends were announced. Jacen Rea, a freshman at New Prairie High School, had some interesting things to say about the topic. When the question ‘What is your opinion on men’s skirts coming back in style?’ was asked, Rea replied, “I believe that it is not stylish, but that is just my opinion, and anyone else can think what they want.” He was then asked ‘What spring trend surprised you the most?’ and his response was, “The spring trend which surprised me the most was the all white outfits. I personally believe some pop of color would be stylish, compared to just a blank canvas”.
Another student who had a lot to say about the spring trends was ninth grader, Eliza Roberts. She was asked ‘In your opinion, what spring trend do you look the most forward to wearing?’ and her response was, “I’m looking forward to wearing some outfits inspired by the trends of neon colors and 90s looks. She was also asked, ‘How do you feel about the upcoming spring trends?’ and Eliza answered, “I think that they are popping and they are the future of our style.”
These spring trends are sure to make an appearance this spring and everyone can’t wait for them.