by Chloe VanOverberghe

Vaping is new trend that is rapidly spreading around high school all over America. When kids including NPHS students bring their vapes to school they are typically to do it in the bathroom. The FDA is going to be placing warning posters all over high schools across America because it’s becoming a danger to students. Vaping can negatively affect kids and there school life and there academics.
“When all students focus on is the next time they are going to go to the bathroom and hit a vape they won’t focus on work.” Stated by deputy Adams.
When kids vape, they usually will in there future get into cigarettes or some kind of drug. Something students may want to know before they buy a vape or before they even put one in your mouth it that, Juuls, one of the most popular vapes. One pod in a vape equals to about one pack of cigarettes meaning that vape very dangerous.
One thing kids may not know when they are vaping is that they have a 50% chance of getting a side effect Calle popcorn lung. This side effect makes your airwaym Be s very tiny and closes up your airways and make you cough a lot. Other side effects of vaping are, headaches, dizziness, scratchy throats, and lastly a lot of coughing.
Sometimes when students vape, their parents may not mind as much as others.
“Usually, when parents allow their children to vape, it most likely means that they smoke.” Stated deputy Adams.
The reasoning for this is when parents smoke they probably think vaping is better which it is. But when students even adults vape, it is allowing tar into the bloodstream which is highly dangerous, but still not as dangerous as normal cigarettes.