by Violeta Mendez

Don’t know what to get at Starbucks? Need a suggestion? Here are NPHS students go-to Starbucks drinks!
Vanilla Iced Coffee- Kiya Abron and Callie Fraling
Pink Drink- Chloe Vanoverberghe and Jasmine Elliott
Iced Caramel Macchiato- Abby Rowe, Nana Wade, and Scout Jackson (low fat)
Cappuccino- Sarah Stachowski (with vanilla bean powder)
Americano- Isabelle Adnson
Hot Chocolate- Haliee Erickson, Brenden Oden, and James Whittleberry
Strawberry Açaí with Lemonade- Maleny Mireles, Claudia Bisping, and Eliza Roberts
Dirty Chai (chai latte with a shot of espresso)- Abbigail Anderson
White Mocha Latte- Ella Mosley (iced with extra whip), Elizabeth Wilkinson (iced with raspberry syrup), and Scott Cox (with soy milk)
Iced Vanilla Latte- Jessica Eslick
Matcha Frappuccino- Conner Snyder and Kyleigh Ellman (with Almond Milk)
Mocha Frappuccino- Shelby Chlebowski (with caramel) and Alyssa Wiesmann
Java Chip Frappuccino- Mario Loza and Megan Boyd
Vanilla Bean Frappuccino- Shelby Chlebowski, Evan Foerg, Grace Schlimpert and Meia Conley
Caramel Frappuccino- Ella Phillips, Ella Mosley, Olivia Hilton, Tyler Ryder, and Logan Kuntz
Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino- Anika LeeVan, David Burr, Marissa Schultz, and Abby Voreis