by Gabrielle Vogeler

The result of a negative habit of many people is starting to rear its head. When people don't finish their prescribed antibiotics, bacteria remains in the body and becomes resistant. This is creating a type of bacteria called superbugs.
Since the emergence of penicillin people have treated antibiotics as a miracle cure while in reality they don't always have a perfect effect. More often than not bacteria remains in the body even after you feel better, so many people don't finish their medication after they feel better. What they don't realize is that the bacteria that remains in the body mutates so that the antibiotics used becomes ineffective. The mutated bacteria has the potential to become a superbug that is resistant to many types of antibiotics and is very difficult to kill.
Superbugs can spread from the infected to other family members or in one case an entire hospital. Superbugs can multiply and kill quickly and doctors are forced to resort to experimental and dangerous drugs to save lives and stop the spread.
This problem is increased because pharmaceutical companies aren't developing new antibiotics. It is costly and time consuming work, while developing other prescription drugs are easier and can make more money twice as fast. So with no new antibiotics being developed and super bugs making old antibiotics ineffective, doctors are running out of options.
What everyone needs to do is finish all prescribed antibiotics to guarantee that all bacteria is dead in the body. Doctors prescribe a specific amount of pills so that all bacteria is dead and there are no harmful effects from taking antibiotics as long as you follow your doctors orders. Encourage friends and family to do the same because even if one person doesn't finish antibiotics, everyone can suffer from superbugs. No one is safe until everyone finishes their antibiotics.