by Chloe Vanoverberghe

After pulling NPHS about students about where they think they will see themselves after high school, 69 responded. The Majority at (85.6%) said that they would attend a four year college. The rest of the students respondents (14.4%) said they would go to college and get a temporary job, go in the military, or a trades school. There was an option to share what their futures plans are. Some responses included.
” I plan to become an elementary school teacher.”
”After high school I’ll go to college for Health, Nutrition and Fitness.After earning my double major degree in Dietetics I will start a job, have a family, and a dog.” ”University; degree in something I still have to decide” Spanish Teacher “Working in the medical field. “Hopefully getting married and having the job of my dreams Working “Teaching elementary kids and special education” “Job: Band Director, Family, Kids, House, possibly living in Ireland.”