by Angel Denaway

Construction at NPHS has brought many changes such as new Apple TVs, more space, and color change.
Students at NPHS have no problem adapting to the new environment as they maneuver around all of the obstacles in the way of their daily path.
Senior Draven Gunter stated, “The annex has so much more room.The cafeteria used to be so crammed. I really like it, I hate being cooped up.”
Some changes have taken a positive effect and turned things for the better. Though students aren't exactly comfortable adapting isn’t an issue and construction has been a key part of New Prairie’s daily life.
Gunter stated,”When I first got here, the school was nice, but now everything looks better.We have new bathrooms, the new annex, even some hallways and classrooms. It’s really making a good change and I think it’s good for the school.”
Students have a positive outlook for the future and know it’s bright. The changes that are being made had given NPHS a whole new look and reputation for its community.
Lighting is better for class time since dimmer switches have been added in all classrooms.Teachers can set the lighting to do things such as watch educational videos, demonstrate things on the board, and write notes.
Hallway space is limited but slowly developing so that students can walk the halls without worry of being shoved, tripped, or stepped on in bottle necks.
The renovations have been going on for about a year and a half, slowly changing and progressing into the vision of a well put together school.
There are more opportunities for students and staff to take advantage of the new equipment and space available.
From a new weight room with all new equipment to a brand new auditorium with more seating, the change has really affected the way that New Prairie uses class time. Things are looking up for the NPHS community.