Wait whats
By Carli Tharp
“Wait,I thought ladybugs were extinct?” Heard in the hallway
“I love toothpaste and I love the way it gets all over my shirt” heard in Spanish Class
“ I’m scared of cups, eat poop” heard in Mr.Stones cougar mentor
“I have ducks with tape on them” heard in Spanish class
“Snoochi boochi” heard in English class
“ What time is it?” Friday” heard in Spanish
PSAT scores release date

By Makayla Karnes
PSAT scores are said to be released around December 9th. The college board has not released a set date, but comparing from past years the scores were released around December 9th.
Personal pizza’s hit the lunch line
By Anna Witters
New at NPHS is Smash Mouth personal pizzas. These are now available every day as a meal option. There are multiple flavors, including cheese, pepperoni, and Italian. Be sure to thank the wonderful cafeteria staff for providing this to students.
Santa’s Workshop promises family fun this Sunday
By Crystal Wilkeson
If you’re looking for something fun to do over the weekend, National Honor Society is sponsoring an event at the high school for the whole family.
Santa’s Workshop will include cookie decorating and holiday crafts for those who pre-register online at https://tinyurl.com/NPHSSantasWorkshop on Sun., Dec. 8 from 1-4 p.m. Central Time. It’s not too late! If you pre-register, print your digital tickets and bring them to the event.
For those who’d just like an opportunity to get a picture with Santa, dropping by without registering is okay.
Enter through the south doors at S6.
