NPHS has been under school-wide renovation the past 2 years. Though many people might think this project has been going on too long, contractors are still within their contract window.
“The big window was three years. We are still in the window of time to get done,”Principal, Jennifer Sass stated. It might feel like the construction will never end but we are wrapping-up this whole adventure.
The band was hoping to be in the new band room by the beginning of 2019-20 school year the contribution workers are still putting the final details in the rooms.
“We are hoping to be moved in the new rooms with all the major projects done, at the latest, winter break,” said Dean of students, Jim Parent.
The big window was three years. We are still in the window of time to get done.
The construction has progressed since the very last day of 2018-19 school year.
“I walked in there and they’ve gotten so much done since the beginning of the school year,” band director, Patrick Teykl said.

Students around the school have been very flexible with blocked off, and rerouted the hallways.
“The construction has definitely impacted my learning. My sophomore year I was cramped in the six gym along with two or three other classes every time my classes were quiet, we could hear the construction so it made paying attention a struggle,” senior Mia Britton said.
Not only is the construction distracting but it made the staff paranoid, and worried for students.

With the students walking from one class to another, safety is the school’s first priority. Having construction workers working on projects in the building during the school day does get a little stressful to the staff.
The school discusses safety when anyone starts working or constructing anything.
“Safety is the first issue addressed and discussed by the engineers, contractors, administrators, and anyone else involved in the planning and actual implementation,” Mr. Parent claimed.

Therefore, there is no worry for any students being hurt. Even though that project is wrapping-up, the student body still needs to pay attention to where they’re going in the halls.
Though no incidents have taken place Sass expressed her worry about whether students notice their surroundings as they walk from class to class.
“Sometimes when we block off hallways the students don’t pay attention and they could get hurt from that. That’s one of my concerns and what makes me nervous,” Sass said.