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Coronavirus update

Grady Lapczynski

Thought to only be in mainland China, the coronavirus has quickly spread to over eighty countries.

With over 100,000 reported cases of coronavirus, countries are keeping a close eye on the virus, making sure it doesn’t get out of hand.

The United Nations are giving aid to any country that is struggling to keep the virus contained.

A version of the coronavirus has been around before causing problems. We’ve seen it in 2002 when it affected the Middle East and in 2015 when it affected South Korea.

Several countries are keeping the infected quarantined. Others are doing as little as wearing a simple face mask and some as extreme as killing the host.

The coronavirus gets its name from the outer shell of the virus. Every vira has a spiky outer shell called a crown, which in Latin is corona.

Coronavirus. Photo by CDC on Unsplash

The coronavirus used animals as its first target before it evolved and started to catch humans, too. The virus infected animals such as bats, camels, and other mammals.

California is currently under a state of emergency due to the spread of the coronavirus. New cases of the virus are being discovered every day.

California’s Congress agreed to give $8 billion in emergency funding to help stop the spread of the virus.

Whether it’s closing down schools, state of emergency, or containing the infected, countries are doing everything they can to slow down and control the virus.

Currently there is no cure, scientists are deciding to use the flu and other respiratory diseases to try to work towards a cure.

The virus has spread to every continent in the world except Antarctica.

The coronavirus is responsible for two different diseases involving the respiratory system.

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is one of the diseases that branches off of the coronavirus. SARS had a global outbreak in 2003 which was later contained after affecting two dozen countries.

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is the second disease caused by the coronavirus.

MERS is a serious disease that can cause death, MERS has a 40% kill rate to those infected.

Both of these diseases are caused by the coronavirus and are heavily contagious and can kill the host if not treated correctly.

Symptoms include those of a common cold, such as, fever, deep cough and shortness of breath.

In order to not acquire the virus make sure to wash your hands and stay distant from those with it. Keep your hands away from your face and cough and sneeze into your elbow.

With countries starting to panic about this global phenomenon, scientists are working day and night trying to find a cure.

It’s only a matter of time before the brightest minds find a cure for this deadly virus.


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