Every human being will, one day, die. It’s what makes people mortal, human. They all know about their end. What if people knew when they were going to die?
On October 25, STX Films released Justin Dec’s movie “Countdown,” which does exactly that. In “Countdown,” the main character, Quinn, played by Elizabeth Liao, is a nurse who learns about an app that can predict the date of her death.
She quickly learned that the app was no joke, and she was unable to delete it. Unknown to her, the app was a secret way for a demon to play tricks on her mind. After changing her plans for the day predicted for her, the story only gets more complicated, placing Quinn in situations that force her into a paranoid tailspin, changing plans and changing them again in an attempt to alter her fate.
Seeing the trailer for “Countdown,” a British developer, Ryan Boyling, was inspired to make an app mimicking the one in the movie.
Thousands of Americans have downloaded the “Countdown” app as a joke or to see if the tales were true.
NP graduate, Kailin Strauch, downloaded the app after hearing about the release of the movie.
“My friends and I compared our death dates to see who would die first, yes, was a little scared but you don’t know when your real death date is going to be,” Strauch said.
It’s impossible to know the exact date and time you’ll die, but the suspense that the app creates is what hyped up the audience.
Junior Jacob Sherrick, and Senior Alyssa Woodcox, went to see the film in theaters shortly after it was released.
“It’s not your average spooky movie, the horrors and jump scares will surely become engraved in your mind for awhile. They do a phenomenal job at creating that suspense that really makes this kind of film extraordinary,” stated Sherrick
The movie creates a gruesome image of a distorted creature that will haunt people until it’s their time to die. In addition with the frightening image of the creature, the plot adds all kinds of horror as well.
Even with all the scares,Woodcox said, she felt like she knew what was going to happen.
“This movie was mostly what I expected in the scary factor. The whole plot and storyline was completely different than what I thought. It was great though,” she said.
Both Sherrick and Woodcox said their experience was exciting and full of jump scares, so they both recommend it to the public.
“I would 100% recommend it for others to watch. It constantly kept me on my toes,” said Woodcox.
Sherrick said it would be a better experience in theaters then to stream it at home.
“I do recommend it. It’s a nice mix of a lot of jump scare, and gentle terror. I’d much rather see the movie in theaters again than at home,” Sherrick said.
