New Year's resolutions are a positive change going into the new year, but they can be difficult to achieve.
According to U.S News and World Report, 80 percent of New Year's resolutions are failed, most by February.
Before setting a resolution, thinking about why you chose that resolution is ideal for following through. The goal needs to be motivating to you, or you’re not going to be motivated to keep it.
The resolution also needs to be limited to an achievable quantity. Making a goal that is too hard is just setting yourself up for failure.
Sharing the resolutions you make with others is another thing that makes it easier to keep your goal. When other people know about it and remind you about it, it’s hard to forget or ignore it.
Knowing that your resolution won’t be instantly achieved overnight is key. Depending on your goal, it could take a few weeks, a month, or even the whole year.
Don’t get mad at yourself if you skip a day, or stop trying for some time. It is okay to misstep as long as you get right back on track and don’t give up.
In a survey, New Prairie's students and staff showed that the most common resolution they are making for this upcoming year was save more money/spend less money.
According to Go Skills, some ways to keep this resolution are to spend less on things that aren’t a necessity, prioritize spending, make a plan on when and what to save, and write lists before going shopping.
The second most common resolution was to make new friends. According to Personal Excellence, some things to do to achieve this goal are to get to know your friends’ friends, get yourself out there by going to events, join clubs/groups, and to be open minded.
According to, from a survey of 2,000 people, the most common New Year’s resolution is to diet or eat healthier. As stated by, ways to successfully reach this goal is to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, cut down on saturated fat and sugar, and eat less salt.

The second most common was exercise more. According to Help Guide, ways to start exercising more is to not have an all-or-nothing attitude, start small and build up to more, choose a workout that you enjoy, and hold yourself accountable.
An approach that can make attaining your goal easier is to find someone who has the same resolution as you. They could help you stay motivated and not slack off. You can also work out, eat healthy, go out, money plan, etc. with them!
Some people use apps on their phones to keep track of what they achieved. There are weight loss apps, money planner apps, healthy eating apps, and more that could greatly help with the tasks.
Following through on your resolution and completing your goal can help 2020 be your best year yet; don’t give up!