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How to keep busy during COVID-19 quarantine

Writer: Anna WittersAnna Witters

Updated: Apr 28, 2020

By Anna Witters

Around the world, people are staying at home to stop the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19). People have been coming up with unique ways to keep themselves entertained during this time.

The CDC (Center for Disease Control) recommends everyone to stay at home as much as possible to help flatten the curve of the coronavirus.

The way coronavirus spreads is between people who are in close contact with each other, and through respiratory droplets including coughs and sneezes.

According to the CDC, ”The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.”

If it is essential to leave your house during this time, it is recommended that you wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water.

Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

Some people are at higher risk than others of getting the coronavirus. These people can get sicker, faster. This is why it is important to do as much as possible to stop the spread of the disease.

Although staying at home can be difficult, things can be done to make it easier on yourself. recommends to keep a routine in place. There is evidence that following a normal routine will leave people better off both mentally and physically. Keep things consistent to help keep a sense of normalcy.

This time can also be a time to pick up new hobbies.

  • Complete a puzzle- a classic jigsaw, a Rubik’s cube, or even a crossword puzzle.

  • Download an app like Duolingo, and start to learn a foreign language.

  • Clean! Organize closets, drawers, and more. Throw away or donate items that are not needed.

  • Keep in touch with friends and family. Use video chat apps like Zoom, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, and Skype.

  • Try at-home workouts or yoga videos. Set goals to reach for personal fitness.

  • Take time to reflect on yourself in the past year. Go over what you have accomplished.

  • Watch a new movie or TV show.

  • Reflect on what you are grateful for.

  • Learn a new recipe.

  • Learn calligraphy with what you have at home.

  • Meditate.

  • Practice an instrument.

  • Find a new app (or many) to try out.

  • Read a new book on a mobile app like Libby or Kindle.

Freshman Calina Deutscher has been keeping busy with many activities.

“[I have been playing] board games, drawing, playing outside (in my own backyard), gaming, YouTubing, watching videos, watching movies, listening to the radio, sleeping, and playing with animals,” Duetscher said.

Sophomore Sarah Stachowski has been walking her dog often to pass the time.

Freshman Elivia Westphal is keeping busy by “doing arts and crafts, reading a book, going for a walk, movie night with your family, and video games.”

This unprecedented time is difficult for the whole world, but it is the best thing to do to keep yourself and others safe. The more people do their part, the faster this will be over.


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