The first season of the new Netflix show, “ I Am Not Okay With This” premiered on the streaming platform, Netflix on February 26.
“I Am Not Okay With This” received an 85% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
The show became widely popular among teens in the following week. The show was made by the producers of “Stranger Things” and had the same director as “The End of the F***ing World.” Both shows are also very popular shows among teenagers and “I Am Not Okay With This” has many of the same aspects of those shows.
“I Am Not Okay With This” is a coming-of-age comedy-drama based on a comic book by Charles Forsman with the same name.
The two main characters on the show, Sophia Lillis and Wyatt Oleff, who play Sydney Novak and Stanley Barber respectively, have worked together before on the 2017 adaptation of “It.” Sophia Lillis plays Beverly Marsh and Wyatt Oleff plays the character Stanley Uris.
The show follows Sydney Novak as she navigates high school, relationships, and family drama after the recent death of her father. Early in the show, Syd starts to deal with anger issues that she can’t explain which appeared after her father's unexpected death.

These anger issues start to bud into superpowers she can’t control. Her powers only seem to come when she’s angry and she has no control over what she does and where she does it.
Early in the show Syd becomes friends with her neighbor Stanley Barber who is considered the “weird kid” at school. Stanley helps Syd navigate her powers and tries to help her learn how to control them.
Syd and her best friend Dina seem to not be similar and have many differences. Syd and Dina moved to their small town in Pennsylvania around the same time and became friends by default, but their friendship grew and Dina helped Syd through her father's sudden death. Dina starts to become more and more popular at school and dates the school’s popular jock leaving Syd to stay in her shadow. This leaves Syd confused and contributed to her anger issues.
Syd’s home life isn't great either. Her mother isn't around most of the time and is at work trying to support Syd and her little brother Liam, who Syd calls Goob. Her mom leaves Syd to basically raise her brother on her own. This leaves a strain on her relationship with her mom and they are almost always fighting. Her mom is constantly upset with Syd because she still chooses her dad's side even though he's dead and she doesn't know his full story.
In a survey taken of 25 New Prairie High School students, 44% of students said they watched the show and enjoyed it.
Some students who took the survey didn’t like the show “just kind of predictable” said Haydo, and junior and senior Madison said, “It does not look like an interesting show so I have not spent my time watching it.”
Other students who took the survey enjoyed the show, “It showed reality, how hard life can be sometimes but it had something different because the main character had superpowers. Also, usually superpowers are pictured as something cool or awesome. In this case we see the main character hating this power. She’s afraid of hurting someone with them.” said junior Allende.
“The acting was really good, and it gave a somewhat accurate description of what it feels like to be abandoned by someone, and how it can feel like the people that are there for you don’t care. It also shows what it’s like to be confused about your sexuality and the length some people are willing to go just to fit in. The finale left many people on the edge of their seats, waiting to figure out what's going to happen in the second season.” Freshman Trinity Sabie said.
Some people like freshman Gracyn Fisher said they liked it “simply because of Stanley Barber,” and sophomore Julie Okrzesik said that she “liked Wyatt Oleff and his character.” (687)