"Put yourself first always. As a girl I know it is difficult to not get caught up in drama even if you aren’t looking for it. My advice is to just be true to yourself and if you don't like the way something is going, change it!"
"Don’t stress, only enjoy. Remember to work hard and be nice to people." - Elizabeth Walker

"Get involved with activities and be open to expressing yourself as who you are. Don’t care about what the older kids have to say because they’ll just beat you down sometimes."
"Stay on top of your assignments, otherwise they’ll build up into endless missing assignments and hurt your grade." - Brianna Borkowski

"Just remember to keep your head up and don’t give up in the middle of the year. You’ll get through it. It just takes time. Don’t let people get to you, just don’t give up. Keep going, the rewards will be worth it, I guarantee you! Good luck, you’ll do great!"
"Never stop trying because everything begins to matter starting at freshman year." - Miranda Gnott

"Don’t mess around and keep your grades on track from day one of freshman to open as many doors as you can for your future because going into freshmen you may still not know what you want to do for a job or if you wanna go to college when you graduate."

"Don’t sacrifice everything for a good GPA or a test score. There wasn’t any purpose to high school if you didn’t develop as a person. A 1600 SAT score is nothing without a strong personality to match."
"Do all your work and pass your classes so you don’t have to repeat any and if you do pass all your classes, you will have more spots on your class selection for classes you want to take." - Emily Burton

"Ultimately, high school doesn't matter. If you maintain good grades, which isn't that hard unless you make it; you can just relax. Stressing over highschool is a total waste of time. Unless you fail or don't do as good as you can. There is a high chance you won't look back later in life and wish you did better in high school.

"For the love of all things holy, get a decent haircut and keep it washed."