Shae Alva- “Don't take anything for granted. Whether it’s a football game, Class Olympics, a dance, or even an invite to hang out with friends, GO. If not, one day you'll be in my shoes, wishing you would've soaked up every chance possible.”
Nana Wade-“My advice for the underclassmen is to not take your school days for granted. If one thing this quarantine has taught me is that school has given me some of the best memories, experiences, and friends. Missing my final days in high school, my senior prom, or even walking the stage has taught me how valuable my time was in high school.”
Chloe Slabaugh- “Stop acting like a child. The sooner you act like a rational adult, the sooner you can demand people stop treating you like a child.”
Holly Thomas- “Do NOT slack off your freshmen and sophomore year, it will drop your gpa really low and it’ll be difficult to bring it back up. Just do the work, and don’t be in such a hurry to grow up. Take advantage of this time you have left of being a teenager. Have fun with friends, join clubs, try new things, etc. because before you know it, these 4 years will be over and you’ll be left wondering where they went.”
Shaye Tolch- “Have fun, and appreciate your time in high school because you never know what global pandemic could cancel your senior year.”
